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Welcome to
Adult & Teen Challenge Grenada


Our Mission

Adult & Teen Challenge Grenada is a non-profit organization
on a mission to help men, women, boys and girls
 to find freedom from life-controlling problems.

Adult & Teen Challenge Grenada (est. 2019) is an affiliate centre of Global Teen Challenge, a Christian mission's based ministry founded by David Wilkerson in 1958. With over 1400 affiliate centres spanning 129 nations, collectively we have seen thousands of people rehabilitated, thousands of families restored, and thousands of communities strengthened. It was in 1995, that Teen Challenge took life-changing programs to the nations - to schools, prisons, neighborhoods, and alleyways where tens-of-thousands more people are crying for help.


We believe faith in God is primary to a transformed life. It changes perspective, alters behavior, and instills positive values allowing the entire person to heal. If an addict wishes to find permanent freedom from the bondage of addiction, our results show he or she needs to first seek a personal relationship with Jesus.


This central spiritual dynamic is the foundation upon which all aspects of the Teen Challenge programs are built. It is why faith-based counseling is at the heart of what we do. It is why we hold Bible studies, plant churches, and lead community-wide outreaches. And it is the primary reason Teen Challenge graduates are living a life free from addiction.

Our Values


Living and working with excellence



Embracing hope, love, and reconciliation



Working together and supporting one another



Seeing beyond the present




Properly manage the resources of God



Believing God for the impossible



Dedicating ourselves to the success of others

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